Audiology Hearing Aids Speech Pathology
Serving Orange County, California, since 1993

Certified Member, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Michele Wilson, Ph.D.
Irvine Office Location
Why a certified audiologist
Hearing Loss
Understanding hearing loss
Dangers of hearing loss
Hearing evaluation
Hearing Aids
Hearing aid technologies
Hearing aid tune-up & repair
Realistic expectations
Ear Plugs & Ear Buds
Protective ear plugs
Custom musicians ear plugs
Industrial & shooters plugs
Swimmers ear plugs
Custom-molds for ear buds
Living with Hearing Loss
Better listening & speaking
Communication strategies
Talking to hearing impaired
Speech Pathology
Speech, language & voice
Head trauma recovery
Stroke recovery
Myofunctional disorder
Other neurological disorders

From the pleasures of a movie, play or symphony, to social gatherings and day-to-day conversations, good hearing is a vital part of a full and active life.

If you think that you or a family member are missing out on the sounds of life, your next step should be a comprehensive hearing evaluation. If you live in Southern California, this can take place in the warm and friendly atmosphere of my Irvine Office.

If a hearing aid is required, I can fit you with the best available technology for your needs at the best cost. I specialize in the newest, highly effective, digital hearing aids.

Michele Wilson, Ph.D.

If you are new to Orange County, I welcome you as a new patient. I service, repair and tune up leading brands of hearing aids. To maximize the benefits of hearing aids, I provide personal training on listening and communication skills. I also speak to groups on hearing, listening and improved communications.

If you are not yet familiar with hearing loss and the services that can be provided by a certified audiologist, check out these sections of my website: understanding hearing loss, the dangers of untreated hearing loss, hearing evaluation, what you need to know about hearing aids, and realistic expectations on what a hearing aid can do for you.

In addition to diagnosing hearing loss and improving hearing, I also provide custom ear plugs to protect the hearing of musicians, swimmers, industrial workers and shooters. These include custom ear plugs, which require an office visit for a custom ear canal fitting, and stock ear plugs, which can be purchased in my office. 

As a certified speech language pathologist with a master's degree in that field, I provide family-centered services for adult onset communication disorders caused by stroke, head trauma, dementia and other neurological disorders.

If would like to discuss any of these topics with me during an initial consultation, please call my Irvine office.

Audiology Hearing Aids Speech Pathology
Certified Member of American-Speech-Hearing Association

4000 Barranca, Suite 250 (at Culver), Irvine, California 92604
Phone: (949) 510-6292
E-mail: Web: